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Chiara Ludovica Comolli

I am Assistant Professor in Demography at the "Paolo Fortunati" Department of Statistics of the University of Bologna.

Most of my research focuses on fertility in developed countries, in particular, I study the link between reproductive choices and economic uncertainty, labor market and gender dynamics.

My other research interests are more generally concerned with family dynamics, economic and social inequality, and how family and work trajectories influence multiple dimensions of wellbeing.

Working Papers

“Partisan fertility response in the wake of the Great Recession in Sweden” 
Comolli, C.L. and Andersson, G., 2019
SRRD Working paper series 2021:25
“Concentration of Critical Events over the Life Course and Life Satisfaction later in life” 
Comolli, C. L., Bolano, D., Bernardi, L. and Voorpostel, M. (2021)
“First child and women’s perception of fairness in the division of labor” 
Hornung, M. and Comolli, C.L.,


Università di Bologna

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